The training and nutritive techniques are virtually identical — endurance athletes minimize weight, eat high-calorie, easily digestible carbohydrate gels and fluid proteins, hydrate often, and take electrolytes — but if you compare the numbers (if you can find the numbers), you’ll find that marathoners and long-distance runners outnumber endurance hikers. While an average marathoner might finish a 42.195 kilometer run in about 5 hours, an endurance hiker will often take 11 hours to complete the same distance on rough wilderness trails. Recent mothers, fathers, and young professionals often find that the travel times to worthwhile hiking trails (plus the hiking times) are prohibitive.
Tag Archives: diet
They Say Vegetables Don’t Stop Cancer. I Don’t Believe It.
This week the media told us all that a new study shows that eating lots of vegetables does not “significantly” lower cancer risk. (The study indicates that vegetables might provide a very small reduction in cancer risk, but that statistic may have resulted from reporting error and bias — see Eating Vegetables Doesn’t Stop Cancer:
The cancer researchers had 142,605 men and 335,873 women report on their eating habits and lifestyles during 1992 to 2000. They then assessed the association between cancer risk and diets high in fruits and vegetables.
My Anti-Cancer Diet
Also see my post Cancer Prevention Foods and Spices. And search the United States government’s National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine web site and Mayo Clinc.
Daily anti-cancer foods and supplements:
1) I bought one pound of Organic Connections beet powder for $23.80. (That’s the best price I found).
— I take 1 tsp. of beet powder a day in a shake.
2) I bought one pound of Frontier brand organic turmeric powder for $11.80. (I shopped around and that’s the best price I found. You might get Organic Connections turmeric even cheaper.)
Cancer Prevention Foods and Spices
As part of your cancer prevention diet consume dark chocolate, cabbage juice, homemade tomato sauce, pharmaceutical grade fish oil, green tea, turmeric, and ginger every day. But don’t overdo it: fish oil, turmeric, ginger, green tea, garlic and cinnamon thin the blood. When you thin the blood too much, you are susceptible to hemorrhagic strokes and other serious health problems. If you already take prescription blood thinners (such as warfarin), you should talk to your doctor about using fish oil, turmeric, ginger, green tea, garlic and cinnamon as health supplements.