Tag Archives: Cancer

Signs of Ovarian Cancer – Important Information

This e-mail was forwarded to me:

> I considered not forwarding this info. I had it in my inbox for months.
> SIGNS OF OVARIAN CANCER (even in the absence of Ovaries) THIS IS A

Basically, it was a new form of a discredited e-mail that has been circulating for years. Its main thrust is that you must have regular CA-125 blood tests. However, quite a few Web sites cast doubt on this e-mail’s story/testimonial. Take a look at Trend Micro’s summary at Hoaxes. read more

Cabbage Cures?

They say cabbage heals ulcers and prevents cancer. Here is one great site for finding information: The World’s Healthiest Foods: Cabbage.

Some people drink cabbage juice (the fresh juice is sweet, with a bit if an edge). If you buy a good WIDE MOUTHED juicer, the process is quite easy.

Others go on cabbage soup diets, but I am sure that you would want to investigate its health effects, since boiling the cabbage destroys nutrients and since protein is an important component of all healthy dietary regimes. read more