Category Archives: Comment

Increased My Vitamin D to 2000 IU Per Day

I recently read a reputable article that said that we should be taking 1500 to 2300 IU of Vitamin D each day. I think I read the article on a life extension web site:

Mayo Clinic says that the upper limit for vitamin D is 2000 IU per day. See In Canada, doctors often recommend 1000 IU per day as a potential cancer preventative.

Previously, I was taking 1000 to 1300 IU each day, every day, rain, snow, or shine, 365 days per year. read more

Plastic Bottles in Garbage

If concerned (aka intrusive) citizens continue to harass individuals who use disposable plastic water bottles, then those individuals might start hiding their empty bottles in the garbage, where they won’t be seen (in dark plastic garbage bags), rather than in recycle boxes out front of their homes.

The American Presidency: Selfish Candidates or Candidates for Selfishness?

The headlines today are “Mitt Romney quits after pouring $35 million of his own money into failed campaign.” Of course, we all know that Mitt Romney was running in the Republican primary, the race in which Republican voters choose which Republican leader will run against the Democrats for the U.S. presidency. But I do not hear anyone in the press pointing out that Romney’s $35 million would have been better spent helping the poor right here in the United States.

Romney’s courage (and extra money) would best serve the hopeless (the lost, and especially the lost at sea . . .). read more

Fitness and the Superbowl?

The Super Bowl was boring, as usual (you know . . . football) and had way too many TV commercials, as usual. And Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers’ half-time show was like brown snow — tired winter, dead flowers, bronchitis brought on by lifestyle — which brings me to my point: The half-time show’s producer (the company that put it on) asked for 600 volunteers (and got them), but I don’t know why anyone in their right mind would give their time for free to millionaires like Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers or to an event that makes millions of dollars (never mind the Super Bowl’s sponsors’ earnings, the ones who bought the commercials — they paid 2.7 million dollars for 20 seconds of air time). read more

Truth is Ugly

A quote from John Updike’s book Seek My Face, page 48:

Truth is ugly. We possess art lest we perish of the truth. The only virtue left in this day and age is courage before the hopeless.

He means your courage best serves the hopeless.